My busty girlfriend sticks a beer bottle in her vagina and swims around

My busty girlfriend sticks a beer bottle in her vagina and swims around
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8 years ago 2:10 89585
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Doing it on a dare, my smoking hot girl with massive tits slid a bottle in her juicy twat and let me record her underwater as she was swimming in the sea.

Categories: peeping around
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Unknown 7 months ago

Skank ho

Unknown 8 years ago

So now we have beer bottles in women parts. Yea, only if women could handle beer.

Unknown 8 years ago

she is "loose" ...AND drunk.

Unknown 8 years ago

Having a gaping pussy is not a good thing.

Unknown 8 years ago

I like my gf's pussy better tight .. not all stretched out

Unknown 8 years ago

Pretty sure that was in her ass most of the time, not her pussy. It did go in her pussy once, but definitely in her ass while swimming around.

Unknown 8 years ago

This guy is so full of shit.. why can't you admit it's just another video you found ? I mean like dude how many different wife's do you have you say you have a girlfriend than a wife so that make you a cheater right?

Unknown 8 years ago

That bottle fell out and went back in so easy... her cunt must be huge!

Unknown 8 years ago

She is as busty as she is brainless.

Unknown 8 years ago

Nice, real nice.

Unknown 8 years ago

Wholly Shit!!! She is a TOTAL ANGEL !!!! I am an old Sailor....seen a lot of things and Done a WHOLE LOT more!!!! She is SPECIAL my friend!!!!! Thank You BOTH!!!!

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