Hidden toilet sex with a hooker

Hidden toilet sex with a hooker
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5 years ago 3:36 220834
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My friend caught fucking with a cute Brazilian prostitute in a public toilet at the night club.

Categories: hidden sex
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Unknown 9 months ago

I love sex

Unknown 1 year ago

This is definitely a candidate for most horrible video ever uploaded. #1 The absolute worst thing you could ever view or that the two stars of the video could ever do is kiss. Who the "F" wants to see any of them kiss ever. Get the heck out of here with that, gross. Anyway, this video is exactly the reason a person should 100% of the time go straight to ... stars. Who on Earth wants to watch this idiot perform pathetic sex on his sleazy girlfriend in a public bathroom? That's like getting geared up for some lengthly tailgating with your boys, slamming beers, getting tunned up and handing your scalped, $300 ticket, that has a face value of $50, to the stadium worker, go to your seats all pumped up ready to watch your favorite NFL team do battle with a rival NFL team and instead of those best football players in the world coming on to the field to play, instead these undersized, slow, much older than an NFL player in his prime who can't throw a ball more than 15 years and receivers who can't catch play a game. It would be horrible. With the money, time and dedication, you want to the big boyz. the best football players in the world playing. That's exactly what watching this video is, not some hot, sexy babe getting her world rocked by a guy in shape who is a professional at fucking a hot ... star girl like a champ but instead some jerk who did his version of fucking in this public bathroom and takes half the video to kiss her like a douchebag who knows he didn't come close to satisfying her and that's the reason for his pathetic kissing her. He hopes that will make her want to not leave him to go get fucked good and hard by a stud. That guy should be embarrassed, beg for the video to be taken down, change his name, dye his hair, get plastic surgery and move far away and hope this embarrassing video is never tied to him. By the way, NO WAY IS THAT A PROSTITUTE. Get real people, #1 they NEVER kiss, especially when it's an act of desperation by a dude or in this case that jerk, #2 they always wear skirts, usually skirts that needed to be washed 6 worn times ago, they don't fuck in the position, they don't fuck like that and lastly it just would not happen there.

Unknown 4 years ago

This is hot. I'm pretty sure they just met at a club or concert and are fucking in the back. You can see they are both wearing the same bracelet that is usually for admittance to a club or a concert.

Unknown 4 years ago

Not a hooker tho

Unknown 4 years ago

Hookers don't kiss.

Unknown 5 years ago

I doubt it's a hooker but ok

Unknown 5 years ago

She shows him too much intimacy to be a hooker. It's rather sweet.

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