Cute girl filmed pissing over an outdoor toilet

Cute girl filmed pissing over an outdoor toilet
  • 81%
10 years ago 0:16 51983
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She doesn’t want to sit on the toilet bowl so she squats over it instead, pissing while in a leopard print dress and comfy shoes. She’s bold enough to let her friend film the urination.

Categories: pissing girls
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Unknown 7 years ago

She pissed on the seat

Unknown 9 years ago

@ commentor 2: don´t YOU forget, no one needs your fucking music in a pee-clip ! ! !

Unknown 9 years ago

Sweet. She should have pissed all over the toilet instead of IN the toilet though. But sweet enough for me. Kisses

Unknown 9 years ago

It's very very sexy

Unknown 10 years ago

''entrails ripped from a virgin's cunt'' by cannibal corpse would be a good song for this brainless bitch. or maybe '' to the devil a daughter '' by virgin steele . metal rules don't you motherfuckers forget it!!!

Unknown 10 years ago

get a life bitch! don't you have anything better to do then waste some respecting persons time with this filth??! and don't get offended if some guy takes advantage of you and call HIM a pervert when youre sick enough to film it you hypocrite!!! my god if stuff like this doesn't show we're in the last days. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!

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