Sometimes you just have to empty your bladder, wherever you are

Sometimes you just have to empty your bladder, wherever you are
  • 72%
9 years ago 1:05 39905
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What nice friends this girl has - they are helping her to hide herself from the other people while she takes a piss. Everyone is laughing at this pretty weird situation.

Categories: pissing girls
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Unknown 9 years ago

...and you thought it was important to post this, WHY, exactly? Do not stop; do not pass GO... and you definitely do not collect any points for this pablum. OK folks. You can just move right along to the next video, now. Nothing to see or hear in this one, for sure. Zippo points.

Unknown 9 years ago

będzie sprawa dowodowa na całą gminę

Unknown 9 years ago

then there's a guy pissing on the other side

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