There was no one around so they peed

There was no one around so they peed
  • 75%
9 years ago 2:40 26039
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If only they knew for the street camera which was looking right at them, they surely wouldn't pull down their knickers and take a piss down in that corner.

Categories: pissing girls
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Unknown 7 years ago

Wow these 2 girls really had to pee badly. The first one runs to the spot and if you look carefully you can see the wet pool between her legs. The second friend was a bit more reluctant but realised she was short of options and did the same. Lucky that car went passed 10 secs after they walked off. Awesome!

Unknown 9 years ago

Why bother loading this they were so small they could have done anything

Unknown 9 years ago

Found where this was... sneaky camera location. More luck than anything ;),-118.230923,3a,90y,66.93h,72.29t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sqaL3IkTssSTfJFMidcxM-A!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1

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